Saturday, January 1, 2011

Be grateful and you will be appreciated

You probably never thought of the year 2011.. I was so excited I witnessed 2007!! It's just amazing :)
Even if I imagined it , I would never thought that I would be a mom!! For 2!! Boys !! And for that I'm so grateful .

You may think, it's ok, so what? You are just another mom...
Yes another mom, so many moms around, right?

Each one of them is a hero, each one of you moms. I think of you day and night , and I really feel that you are not recognized enough, appreciated enough

this post is loaded with respect, love and appreciation for all of you moms. Either you are a working mom, home stay mom, single mom, poor or rich, old or young... I give you all the love and respect in this world.

I know sometimes you get tired and you get bored and lonely, sometimes you feel like you are loosing it, but you still doing a great job with the kids, being tired never stopes you from standing up one more time to change and feed , being bored never stops you from playing silly games and watching all these kids channels, being lonely just made you wanna be there more for your baby/ babies.

So try this, Be grateful for what you have , and what you do , somewhere, somehow , I know you are appreciated.

This blog is appreciating you, take it as a starting point to be grateful for what you have , and for the life that you are living , blessed with
babies, with a full exhausting life. Do you really know what you would be doing if you don't have your kids in your life?
Whatever your answer is, you are fine , because if you do, you still can do it with some organizing and a loving push. If you don't , you are having a life , that is defining you.

Now, think with me , what are you grateful for?? It's a new beginning , a new year, please please count your blessings,, try to ignore what is negative, even if it's the worst, deal with it and try to leave it .
Start counting your blessings everyday, make it a habit , wake up, look around , start with a smile, and remember all the things that you are grateful for today, write them down if you wish and put them in a visible place ,so you will remember what is worth living . Do that even if you think you Are living in a total mess, just try it .....

Being grateful doesn't mean that you need to have a large amount of money, or the best car, or the prettiest face, or the perfect body, being grateful , is to thank god for the things that we never think of, things we take for granted, like

having a jacket in this cold weather while thousands of people are freezing ...
Having enough food for your family, you are not starving...
You have eyes and hands and legs, not everybody have those..
You have kids, many people are trying hard for that... You are not

Learn to live to the maximum, take advantage of everything you have, don't just sit back, looking for something to complain about , so you feel loved or satisfied, or weak.... Be everything you have in your life, see it clearly, so you can feel how important it is, and how difficult your life will be if you don't have it, don't ignore what you have, don't be busy of wanting what you don't have.

Let's start a circle of positive thinking and gratitude, tell me what are you grateful for .
I'll start

1- grateful for having tariq, my baby
2- grateful for having my school friends all around, and we all got married and had babies around the same time, so it's just amazing, to share all the info and the feelings, it's sweet, I love it.
3- grateful for every essential thing in my life that I can't live without, which could be a wish for someone else, I don't take my life for granted, it's a blessing.

Ok, write three things you are really grateful for, if you want to say more please do :)

Prove yourself wrong, you can be positive, and you do want to live it right. I guarantee you will find the appreciation you need once you start being grateful.

Happy new year moms around the world.


  1. i love love love this post manoor ..i have to keep reading it every time i feel down..i try to remind myself of the positives around me ..i have to enjoy it..i am grateful about :
    my two boys ..i have eyad who is el7amdullilah a happy child and has the biggest heart ever ,,so sweet..boody who loves me no matter what and lets me feel important and needed :)
    sami has a big heart ,,kind..and very positive person :)i lov e that about him..
    i am grateful for everything i have that i always take it for granted but really as u said it's really important and for others its everything !
    grateful for having loving people around and friends ..

  2. Great Dina , you are sure lucky for having your boys and Sami .... Keep the spirit :)

  3. manoor thats the 1st post for me to read :)) u r amazing dear.. i love the post and as dodo said its a speech we need to hear always... its this kind of post u need to stick on ur fridge and read it everyday.. cuz we all face different circumstances that in a way or other, may let us feel down..or feeling we r not lucky enough and forget all the blessings and see nothing but the negative part.. and really i tried it.. to count all the blessing i have in my life.. and really it lift ur spirit..let u feel that all these issues r nothing comparing to what we have.. really we have to be gratful for everything we may never think about u said.. we took for granted..all we have to do is to be positve..grateful,never underestimate ourselves.. always look up for ourselves so others can see us this way.. and thank God for everything and have a deep faith in him that thing will be just fine at the end.. am grateful for having a great parents.. so grateful for having a wonderful husband..grateful for health..for having good job(though its not what i dreamt of)..gratfeul for having real friends in my life.. happy new positve gratful year :))
