Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are you wishing for someone else? Really?

If you can't handle the truth, the real thoughts for real wives in the real world , please don't read this.
If you don't want to face an existing problem, and you prefer not to read about , please don't read this.

This post has a hero, It's a guy, I'll call him Jimmy .
So , Jimmy is the guy that you wish you have married, Jimmy is the guy you always remember or wish for ,when you have a fight with your husband, He is the one that you are sure he would have treated you better than this husband who you finally settled for and got married to, Jimmy is the crush that you had once, the love that never got a closure, the guy that he wanted you so much and loved you so so much but, never offers to marry you, and sometimes when life squeezes you , you ask yourself once again why??
Jimmy always pops in your mind when your bad husband criticizes you when you need a compliment , or when there is no enough money for all these extra things you always wanted, that you really deserve, or when you look at yourself in the mirror and miss that sweet girl who was full of energy and laughter ,but look at her now, so involved with the kids and Mr.husband who is not paying any attention, but Jimmy always knew I was special.

Jimmy in that case can be two things, he is either your husband before getting mArried.
Or the jerk who never had guts to tell you that he loved you or wanted to marry you.

Both ways, Jimmy is a lie!
Do you think Jimmy will be treating you better?? ( I'm not talking about the extreme cases , that the husband really needs to be stopped) I'm talking about regular problems, and everyday issues

Do you think that Jimmy would have stayed as sweet as he was 10 years ago?
Do you think that Jimmy would have gave you more than your husband?

No way! Jimmy is probably still not married, because he has relationships, commentment issues , I know he will never be more understanding or loving than your husband, I bet no one will ever treat you as good as your husband is doing , be honest, you are not an angel yourself , you do neglect your appearances sometimes, you don't give all the required attention all the time, you are not as sweet as you were 2 years ago, right?
I know it's for good reasons , but still, I'm sure he hugged you most of the times he felt you are tiered or in need for the man in him to tell you, everything is going to be fine.
I'm sure sometimes you have been totally unreasonable and he stayed calm , because he loves you, maybe he is not good in dealing with your anger, or strong emotions, but he is trying, isn't he??

Don't forget that your husband who has all these bad qualities gave you some of the greatest moments in your living life.
Don't forget that before he become as busy as you are, he was a Jimmy , not any Jimmy, your Jimmy.
Don't forget that men are weak sometimes , just like me and you, and need some support and care and a kiss on the forehead , telling him, you are here for him.
Don't forget that men sometimes need to know that they are sexually wanted by you, not by the pretty girl that admires him in the office, day
and night !
And don't you dare forget he may have a Jimmy girl himself , because you are making a drama out of your everyday life.

If you are already a mom, you understand how giving and sacrificing is done, you understand how your babies or kids are in desperate need for you to put them on the right track, push your husband to be more involved in guiding your little ones, and give him all the credit for being around , give him some of the attention and care you are giving for your babies, believe me he needs it as much, and always give him the space to do the same for you, remind him that you need him , that you do love him, talk it out, always say I love you, I miss you , I want you, you Are my sweet life, because he is really that, but you don't see it any more , either because you are so busy or so angry, or you want to prove a thing that doesn't really matter!!

There is no victims , there is no heros here, its only a loving family, nobody needs to prove anything to anyone, live your life as you want it to be, don't observe happier people, you are probably happier but you don't know it.
If you think people don't have issues, you are wrong! Be you, enjoy what you have , enjoy your man! Yes ! He is all yours, live it as you want it to be. Don't waste your stable family , love and emotions, for something that never existed . You are having a great life..... See it and it will
see you.

Let your last thought be.... Jimmy is probably still wants you, but you are having the messy, emotional , loving , angry, full life with great hard working loving daddy, and a sexy, loving, daring husband that is just perfectly right for you. You don't need Jimmy .
You are the winner, you have it all.


  1. wooooow manoor abda3ti ! :)) mish ma3gool :)
    really very nice subject which for sure is often on our minds :)i really miss my jimmy alot of times i feel like he's diffferent but el sara7a i bet he does too :s that feeling most of times is not healthy for ur relationship ..coz no one is the same anymore due to the situations we r in now ..i think we must celebrate what we have and cherish the memories that passed :)

  2. Thank you very much Dina for being honest...

  3. thx manar again, u know men don't really go thru change like women do, we adapt, change faster and stronger, we feel responsibility way too more early than they do, all of that sculpts different women out of us, so the jimmy we once adored gets lost coz he can't find the silly passionate innocent and attractive woman he loved, it's our role again to keep the balance, be a responsible housewife and mom, and break the ice and be silly at times, be sexy, be FREE
