Monday, August 15, 2011

A personality for everyone...

Do you pick your personality with your outfit before you go out some place...
On the hangers you have,
With friends personality
With in laws personality
With parents personality
With guyz personality
Driving personality
With husband personality

If you do, it's ok you are not a hypocrite .. You are just trying to fit it, actually , you are afraid that people will see the real you, probably, they are not gonna like it, so , I'll be what they want me to be, I'll let them see what they want to see.
It's easier, and it doesn't need any effort, just nod, and don't really engage yourself in a real conversation, stay shallow... And you will survive the day.

Women in general tend to do that, because we were raised that we need to be nice, so everybody will like this little princess , it's not necessary to be yourself, you can be it later, now just do what you have to do, just go with the flow....
But, it's going to control you day after day, to the point that you can't be yourself even with yourself anymore.
You get lost in this continuous hiding from yourself, and nobody get to see how great you are until you can't see it too.

I'm not talking about hypocrite type of woman who wear masks in purpose to get what they want.
I'm talking about nice girls, good women, strong, active, achieved.... The whole package!
But they just need to please everybody, they wear their many personalities for everybody else's sake.

If You hate to make a serious conversation with X because you know that you can make this person feel bad, realize he is wrong.... You actually have the full information about the thing They Are talking about, but you just can't come out! You prefer being weak instead of being right! Then you have a problem
Believe it or not... A universal fact, it was said at Oprah once , women are afraid to look strong and confident, its just too much work and it doesn't feel right for us!

You don't say it all? you always have something left to say but you don't say it?
Maybe you are happy, fully happy in your marriage but you can't tell you friends, or even mom, too many questions and doubtful looks all over you will happen.So you say you are not totally happy too... Then you forget that you are happy.

Maybe you are very successful at work, but your in laws doesn't know anything about it, because maybe when you say anything about work, either you don't get full attention or you are not totally believed, so you say nothing, you say to yourself, no big deal... Then you forget you
are successful.

And you forget everything about yourself ... A little bit at every door step.

Don't let that happen, start with small stuff, remember who you're really are.

what? You are all grown now, you can get people to be mad at you, just show the real you, don't be afraid of talking about yourself
positively, you deserve it, don't be afraid of saying all the good stuff in your history , your work, your career, your babies... Don't be afraid to argue and and go on to the very end.

Remember all the times you regret it because you didn't say what you really wanted to say.
Like in college, you hold so much into you, you should have said more.
like your days of engagement , you should have said more.
like with your mom, like with guyz you met, like with your friends longtime ago.
Don't let that happen again, you can do and say whatever you really want to do and say... Please, take a pause here and think. You can do and say whatever you want, do you get it ?
What is it stopping you from being yourself? it's the only real thing you own, work on it.
Being happy does have so much to do with being yourself and let everyone else see it as well.

Speak up women, speak up moms.
If the world doesn't know how great we are
If the word doesn't appreciate us enough
It is because we say nothing about it...

Speak up... Woman up!