Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are you getting enough??

Hi mommy!! This is the truth talking to , please handle it, because you need it.

When was the last time you had a good sex with the father of your children?? I really would like the answer to be ; just few days ago. But I guess it's not!
Probably good sex or ANY at all was weeks ago? Too optimistic? Months ago?

You feel there is something not quite right between you too, like there is a distance filled by babies/children?
Are you feeling enough satisfaction from being a mother, that sex looks less appealing those days?
Are you really tiered that you would rather be sleeping, or eating a big piece of chocolate cake , than exhausting yourself with an intimate relation?
Are you on a tight schedule , that doesn't fit for sex??

It's OK, its normal that you are living this situation and experiencing those feeling. Being a mommy, specially a new one , has brought to you all kinds of mixed feelings and instability you could imagined, you are not even yourself anymore, you are dealing with a new person that you barely know, your time has been taken away from you, it's not even a choice, it's something you are doing , that sometimes you don't even realize it , you are moving around taking care of your baby and husband and the house, maybe a parent or two, as well as having a life and taking care of yourself , maybe! The way you look, rarely the way you feel, in addition of having friends , you need to see those too, because you love hanging out with them, maybe the only few hours that makes you feel like yourself again in that stressful time.

So, sex..?? Remember?
You are actually doing everything but this, why?
Yes, I know you are thinking it's all his fault, he is not doing enough for me, I don't feel like I'm wanted any more, he ignores me, I'm busy all day and I don't feel like he understands how I feel about this new life I'm living, he is selfish!! He wakes up, get all dressed up and at least, go out!
What do I do?I stay in my pajamas all day taking care of this crying thing, and cooking , I don't remember how the street looks like anymore, I'm a cave woman, I'm the one who should be more appreciated, and even if I look like hell, he still need to make me feel like he wants to sleep with me, right?

Mmmm, ya, you are 100% partially right, he is having his own issues too, he misses you the most, I'm sure, he feels like your precious , sweet, yummy little cute baby has taken you away from him, he maybe feels like he is even not important any more , that you really need your time only to be beside the new baby, he is withdrawing, thinking he is sacrificing his time with you because of you. He really doesn't want to bother you by his needs.

Or, maybe he is the other type of guys, who feels like you have changed! He can't find his wife anymore,he feels like you are really different that he can't even start flirting with you, because you are all exhausted and busy and talks on and on about the baby. You look different , you sound different, it's not you, he is basically feeling about you the way you feel about yourself, So he's thinking ok, let's just sleep

Or unfortunately, he is the guy who is buying his own comfort, by spending most of his free time out, playing poker, or hanging out with his friends, feeling no responsibility at all, and being insensitive about the sex issue, because he is so self-centered .

Although some married couples who are not parents yet, are having the no sex situation, I really want to discuss it from a mom and dad point.

For moms , you need to put some effort in it, even if you are not used to it, even if your husband was always the tiger who chased you around and hunt you, don't take it personally that he is not chasing you any more , think outside the box, you can go crazy , thinking, he doesn't like me any more, I'm fat, I'm ugly , I smell bad , he doesn't want to be close to me ever again, going crazy will only make it worst, because you will be reacting to your thoughts, you will start blaming him for things he doesnt even understand, or you will withdraw, and make it more complicated.
Just try to take it easy, think of it as a hard Time for you and him, think fast and react slowly, give it sometime, it will happen, if you start thinking, we are a young couple, if we are not having enough sex now , what will happen in ten years? We must have sex now!
No! Don't panic! You are fine and you will be fine , most of good sex come to you after you are 30! That what I heard. So it's ok :).

Just give it time, if you know how to fix the problem , go ahead. Don't be so proud.
I don't want to start giving you tips on how to boost your sex life, you do it.
If you were having good times before giving birth, you should be having good times afterward too.

I'm telling you try to fix it, not because its always the woman responsibility , like some men would say, no. I'm telling you to fix it, because we women , were created as problem solvers , we know how to do it all, you as a mom now, know that very well, you can do it all, you are sexy, smart, tolerant, loving and easy going, you can put up with many things, men can't even imagine, give yourself the credit for that , and use it, don't accept being the victim, as a woman you are great.... As a mom you are even greater.

Your husband will know that , when you know it.

Please, don't ignore having a sexless life as a mom, it's one of the biggest undiscussed issues in our society , and it can be very dangerous , it can have major side effects on you personally , and your family, it's important, talk with your husband about it today, if you don't know what else you should be doing. be strong, be yourself. It's your husband , he will love it, even if you didn't solve it immediately ,you have broken the taboo, it may take sometime, but it's much better than taking no time at all.


  1. first of all i want to thank you for talking about such an issue cause it worth to be discussed for its effectiveness on any couple's life.

    for me, after i became a mom the problem was not in the desire for both of us , it was all about me!! i became totally another person "physically" .. how?

    i'll tell you , after birthing a mom's body demands a great amount of nursing to return -at least- painless
    pain could last for months after birth as my case for example ,
    during this time i was not waiting for some sex even if i wanted .. i really was only needed for some inordinate caring and concerning from my husband , i know that woman should be strong and handle most of the difficulties that faces her but this one 'the after birth' mustn't be included .
    lack of time and the increase of the potential that both mom and dad are paying makes it a hard equation to solve ,but .. i believe that the solution for this is not having sex as much as they used to have before being parents its all about how to get the extreme pleasure or at least the satisfaction in any chance they could have ,and of course this needs a very big understanding especially from the husband cause the wife is not there all the time for pleasure .. she needs now the most to be a good mom , the priority now is for the little one .

    as you said each couple need to talk about this .. cause once they do it with a good amount of love and tolerance in addition to a big quantity of understanding and selflessness every thing will go in the right direction , without a great sacrificing from any one .

    i thank you again for opening this area for discussion,
    go ahead .

  2. I really want to thank you for commenting on this post, it seems like you are the last brave woman :)
    I totally hear you, the fixing after giving birth can be exhausting, but it's necessary .
    Less sex means more pleasure when it's done 100% right ....
    Seems like you are a good mom and a wife ... You opened my eyes as well.

    and just for reminding if we can solve it as women let it be, only if you can , if you can't your husband needs to do the job, I always suggest we solve it because I don't want you to be lazy , but if you know you can't, it's really the mans responsibility ....

    Thanx a million..

  3. great and important subject ...i have lot of thoughts in my mind that i cant express it by writing :s
    anyway ...i know that we women must have to do better work to boost our sex life..coz it begins from inside out..but putting this into reality is much harder than u think ! after becoming a mom and u see all the changes in ur body its really hard to have ur old confidence this plays a great role to have a desire to be intimate to ur husband..and dont forget how tired u r and stressed all day ..that at night u just want to sit down and i think that men in this period of the marriage should do the effort to let their wives feel like herself before pregnancy and being a mom..they must begin from the first single minute they wake up until they go back to helping her out .being part of everything she do ...listening ..and flirting ...i think that will help the mom to feel better..then maybe at night she will love to be intimate with her husband who loves her no matter what ..
    it is alot of work ...and we women should not neglect ourselves and our partners because of the "new baby"..but i really wish it is that simple :)

  4. It's not simple at all, but you have to start somewhere... I'm a mom I know it's hard, but I really want to ask you and myself and every mom, did you really try to do your part before demanding more from your husband?

    Work things out for yourself, not only for the sake of sex, but just like you said , it starts from inside .

    I wish you all the luck :)
    Thank you very much fo shAring

  5. Hello..
    I have been reading your posts but just noticed that I can comment without having a blog! duh :P
    Anyways, I would like to thank you for being honest about everything you wrote. Honest about things that are not known except if experienced!! surprise!!
    Well to start off, I always questioned how does giving birth affects a couples' sex life, and I knew for sure that there will be ups and downs.
    But surprisingly, the no sex situation happens to couples without kids! I think kids are a good big reason for the fluctuation in a relationship, bcz your schedule revolves around them. But without kids??
    Your post made me think about the issue from my perspective, as a wife but without kids. I mean its not that me and my husband lost interest in one another, or are flirting less. It's just that if you stress a lot about your daily life and get dragged with laziness, sex will easily be pushed to the side.
    Another reason for that, is having a perfect scenario of the intimate relationship "perfect time, place, mood, lingerie, baby sleeping, etc". So your mind shifts from thinking about sex if one of these factors are not perfect. This can happen for both husband and wife. So the perfect scenario should go out the door!
    Keep it going manar!

  6. 100% thank you! I could not have say it better, ditch the perfect scenario , movies has ruined it for us, it's not perfect, it's SEX. sometimes it's not just as perfect as u dreamt about.

    And yes no sex before kids happens too, I've experienced it myself and many I know, the whole point I guess not to be lazy, it needs an effort to enjoy sex eventually , just like anything in this life....

    Thank you so much, well said/ written :)

  7. dear manar, i want to thank u first for your gots, it takes courage to be so honest.
    for me having sex after having my kids was even better than before, it happens less of course, but when it happenes, it's a memorable one that keeps us both going till we get the chance to do it again, i found out that i can't blame my husband for not initiating, the woman is always the leader, the man follows, thats the secret women should know and lie abt, coz men like to think they r in control, any way, i learned that it's ok to put an effort in it, i even went to extremes, i tried different (sluty ) outfits, it was so much fun, and his reaction was incredible, i try smt different every time, yes it takes planning, but believe me it's worth it, the woman i am after makingg love to him is the confident me whome i lost years ago, it's so rewarding to feel wanted, loved, appreciated... if any one needs advice on how to spice up sexual life, let me know, im an expert now

  8. Thanx for opening up, I'm so proud of you .. You know that we are in control, it's so obvious that you are a confident woman... Stay you :)
