Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy you day!!

For every mother in this vast world.....

To you who chose to stay home with your kid/kids because it doesn't make sense for you to leave them to someone else to take care of them.

To you , working hard all day and come back to take good care of them , wishing for the day when you can wake up with them and never leave to work.

To you , who doesn't matter to you who's right or wrong , you do it your way with your kids , and take all the criticism in the world for it, but you put your foot down and Did it your way.
To you who stopped taking care of yourself so you can provide a better care for your kids.
To you who stopped smoking around your kids because it's not working anymore .
To you who stopped shopping at the pricy shops so you can buy unnecessary things for the kids.
To you who left your mom, family ,and friends, living in another country , thinking a better future for them deserve it.

To me.... I'm the girl who always thought that achieving has a different standard, it was the silliest thing for me to become a home staying mom, I thought of it as giving up , becoming comfortable and lazy as you have the perfect excuse not to pursue your dreams , and what you need to do to be an achiever in this life. To the new me that found a whole new meaning in raising kids and decided that achieving and success standard if not with your kids it's not anywhere else, I don't lie to myself anymore because being a mom in this complicated world
is a challenge.

To Dina , with the two babies and the kid :) you are appreciated , your friends always talks nicely about you, how great you are , how much work your are doing to raise your kids, YOU ARE APPRECIATED, you are a great mom but you don't know it.

To Sama , you found yourself in teema , I never saw you as confident or happy as when you talk about raising babies. You have information about raising and babies more than an encyclopedia ! I thank you for that, and I think you are one of the greatest mom I ever seen.

To Rahme.... You! The diva :) most beautiful and stylish girl I've ever met, you still as beautiful and stylish, you are a mom, a happy one , you have changed, more down to earth, a better person..... A great mom who is using everything to be a better mom, always asking and want to know stuff about your baby and what to do, I can see the passion in your eyes.... The perfect mom , prom queen , stylish diva! I

To Seba, the coolest, the craziest! You are most fit as a mom, it looks like it's the perfect job for you. The best thing about you as a mom that you do what you really believe it's right, you are confident just like the old days , in a better area .

To Sasha , so tender so loving, I envy the sweet boy you have, because he has it all, with you he is a winner no doubt! From love to toys to
food I'm sure he is getting the best of it all, the giver that you have always been has served him perfectly ..... It's obvious that you are working hard so he will work less.

To yasmeen...what can I say about you, you always wanted to be a mother, your are natural! I think you were born to be a mother..... And you sure know a lot of stuff about motherhood, enjoy it, it's your world.

To Kate , the tough mom, every time you looked or talked to one of the girls I saw love, you the tough girl! I was always amazed how your eyes will transform to mom code or something.... What I really envy the girls for is the good talks they had and will have with you, the perfect person to raise girls, you know it all.

To Basma.... I was so young when I met you , so do you :p I saw the cool stylish girl in you, and I saw you becoming this caring mom, who could raise the girls in an almost freeTV life with a lot of effort to boost their creativity, you have almost teach them everything about handcrafting and painting , swimming and gymnastics, reading, they are almost geniuses , because of you, and you took my very first attention on being a great mother as a young woman.

To MAMA.... No cleches today mama , I have had some bad times with you as every girl do, we doesn't have so much in common , we are very different, your way of caring and raising is different I know, you see everything from your perspective , you have made some major mistakes..... But guess what mom, I always turn out to you, because you get me, and you heal my wound with your special way, you are different , and maybe that what I love about you, you made me your friend, maybe that's why I am who I am today , and for that I thank you, and I greatly love you.

I thank every woman I mentioned because I learned something from her and become a better mom, I have known you enough, so I tracked the changes in your lifes , things you will never do if it's not for your kids, families, and love.....

You , I know you must relate to one of them, you must see yourself in one of these special moms I mentioned, whoever you are , you are doing great , feel the appreciation today , it's another reason to celebrate the life you choose.

And to you.... Every girl who is trying to be a mom, I say take your time :) .....
Seriously I hope Allah will give you as much babies as you want, use the time to get ready....

And to moms to be, you are going to be busy, crazy, pissed, happy, nagged, you are going to cry, to be deprived from sleeping, disattached from your life, but you are going to love it .

Happy you day mothers.... Happy mothers day You..


  1. Manar if u have been reading this infront of us,, i would stand up and club my hands for you,, actually i was hearing ur voice reading this and although am homealone i really wanted to stand up and club my hands for u,, thx for every word u wrote,, thx for being in my life,, thx God that u gave us all this chance to be moms,, and hear the statment "Happy mothers day" . Happy mothers day to u all, may God give this gift to every girl whose willing to be one of us. Love and kisses ( SEBA)

  2. thank u soo much for every single word which we all need to hear every now and then :) i feel like sabsoob that i want to stand up and clap my hands :D
    i am really very happy how we all blossemed to become good moms each one in her own way ..i am very proud of u my friends ..and i love u all and ur kids sooo much :)
    Manoor am really proud of u and how u r always trying to become better for ur kids..u r observing every mom around and learn from her experience so u can be the best mom u can.and guess what u r :) really u r doing a great job with tootoo ..being tough when its needed and very loving and tender all the time :)may Allah bless u and ur family with every step on ur way :)
    Doodoo ..Em Eyad ;)

  3. Walek ente 7bebet albi.. that is all i can say.. I looooove you.. Sasha

  4. manooor I love u sooo much ya a7la fried wya a7la mom. yasmin
