Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Experincing all the extra kilos in your body.. And more

It's like your worst dream coming true moms, isn't it ?

When you are on diet, you expect to loose weight, But even when you are eating you dont expect to gain wait, because it doesn't happen quickly, that's why we keep eating....
Now, when you are pregnant , it starts to show on you really quick, even if you don't eat as much. And it's amazing! It's very shocking , and painful , even if everybody is telling you how great you look (as pregnant) you still feel a little shame, and you may even get judged for gaining all this weight , ya!!!!! Maybe you are not doing exactly what you should be doing, all the good eating , and the excersice , but still you Are pregnant, not the right time to be judged, specially that you already feel bad yourself. So, first reason to make you feel bad about your weight is PEOPLE.

So you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel like killing this woman who is standing in front of you, I remember I was thinking one time when I was looking at myself in the mirror ,,,, so that how I would look like if Im not watching my calories! The worst thought ever , my biggest fears in front of my eyes, I'm not exaggerating, even if you are not a mom, being a woman, you will always be aware of your body and this whole loosing weight issue must have taken many days and nights out of your life..... Yes , even if you still fat, yes people even if she is still fat, she still suffer , trying to diet and do it the best way she can.

It's amazing , how this superficial issue can exhaust half of the human race and serve the other half really well !!!
It's not like I don't love being thin, but sometimes we do need a break .... A break with no guilt.

Maybe you have a supportive husband or friends, maybe you accept yourself the way you are , maybe you do love yourself , maybe you are doing great in your job and life and everything that anybody could dream about.... BUT
Media, society, and discrimination will find the way to sabotage your mind, you will always think of yourself as a number on the scale. Even if you are the most successful woman on this planet. If you are overweight. The second reason is PEOPLE's judgment.

So, it's either you accept your body and love it , and face the world with it , or accept your body and love it and start dieting. Seriously, there is no third option,harsh? Ya! because this burden needs to disappear as soon as it can be done.

I know sometimes it's hard, you have a lot to do, and you really appreciate yourself for who you really are , not for being overweight or under it, sometimes you keep weight as a way of showing objection, and refusing, that you can keep all the weight you want and everybody can say whatever they want to say, you are keeping your extra kilos and let the world collapse .... You don't care, only that you care. So PEOPLE again
But I know you are hurting inside, I'm not incourging you to live it any other person's way, I know you want to loose the weight, so just start doing it, it's that easiest way, and once you start you will love it, you will feel great and you will want to do .

If you can't , its ok... Take your time or even don't do it at all, be the chubby sweet girl, but be happy, if you are happy it will show on you on your kids and family , even if you are a 100 on a scale , for me ,and for many I hope, all I care about is how you are doing in your life, real
life doesn't treat you nicer if you are thinner, so enjoy all the extra kilos, always remember that you gain them for a very good reason...Having Laila or Salma or Omar or Faris whatever your Baby name is.

Please don't ignore the fact that you are doing great in your life and stop enjoying playing with your kids or sleeping with your husband, or wearing expensive clothes because you think you don't deserve it, it's not the shape of your body or how much you are on the scale that decide if you deserve living or not, actually nothing can determine that , even if you are a total looser.
Forget how dealing with this issue is handled in our society, do it your way , enjoy your way, if you think that food makes you happy, go for it, I love seeing a girl totally confident about her refreshing and cute. It's not neccesserly a problem, maybe you are a joyful person who loves food, just like any joyful person would love to exercise , love yourself because of all this weight not inspite of it, maybe you are who you are because you are not thin enough, you will never know how it served you, so think of it. Maybe being overweight has really served you and made you who you really are now.

Plus I only met few guys who think being skinny is sexy or very attractive, most of guys like it full and round :) it's only we girls dream of skinny waists and thinner thighs !
Give your life to a bigger, fuller something, stop giving weight the leading role in your life and start living.


  1. I think what you wrote describes what women go through especially after giving birth. We always have a perfect image about ourselves and think that we have to look that way to be perfect.
    Some of us might not like how our eyes,chin, or nose look like! But we learn to accept ourselves the way we are, due to the fact that we can't change it. That doesn't apply to weight because you can gain/lose weight in couple of months. Then you not only need to accept it but adapt to it. New clothes and maybe different styles "so you don't look rounder" ;) ..
    I think that part makes it the most difficult! You see yourself as another person before others do.

    Thanks for your post Manar , Keep them coming :)

  2. Thanx amool :) keep reading my stuff
    I really miss you xx
